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Why open source runs the world

Δημοσιεύτηκε: 27 Νοέμ 2014, 01:26
από geraki
Ένα πάρα πολύ ωραίο κείμενο στα αγγλικά όμως που λέει τι θα γινόταν έτσι και δεν υπήρχε το ανοιχτό λογισμικό! Επειδή είναι μεγάλο κείμενο ανοίξτε το λίνκ στο τέλος.

We live in a world that has no idea how important open source software is to its smooth running and the free flow of information. The Heartbleed bug was just a taster about how widespread and vital open source software now is to this new digital-world order, which is entirely underpinned by open source software. But why?
Let's play a game: imagine the world with no open source software. Steve Ballmer invented a time machine, went back to 1953 and prevented the birth of Richard Stallman, the God Father of the "open source concept" and head of the Free Software Foundation. Overnight everything open source vanishes from the face of the planet, what changes?

Πηγή: http://www.techradar.com/news/world-of- ... ld-1274030